Sex and Early Relationships 101
What’s real sex like? What do men want from a women in bed. Control?
Men take charge a lot in daily life so here is your chance to take control. Know you what you like and don’t be afraid to ask for it. Demand it. I promise it never fails. Men like women who know what they want. Isn’t it refreshing when you don’t have to think about what others want form you? That’s how men feel. Demand it and take control. In this area, I like to consider myself an expert! Mike and I have been having sex continuously for 8 years and it works for us. We hook up frequently when we need sex but there is none of this silly small talk in between. We are great friends that talk when we want to, but we never mix friendship and sex together.
A typical day in the life of a fuck buddy:
It’s Friday night, I am child free and I know he isn’t out, (all married friends with families, last single boy of the bunch and isn’t prepared to settle down so doesn’t hangout with the boys often on a Friday night) so I send a little message, around 8.30-9.00pm just to let him know I am around.
‘Hey stranger, how have you been. How you feeling today
I usually get one of 3 comments, ‘Hey little lady’ this is usually his way of saying ‘I could be persuaded in to coming over’, ‘sup short stuff’ – loosely translate to ‘I am not moving form my sofa, if you’re wanting, you come and get it’, or finally ‘ hey my sexy princess’ – ‘be over in 10 mins.’
Men are easy to decipher when you look at them. Men usually say what they want, no faffing or digging deep to discover a hidden meaning. These simple starts to sentences are things I have noticed through patterns of repetition. When you have been sleeping with a man with no strings, as long as I have, you’ll know every bit of their behaviour as well as I do with Mike.
From here it’s easy; I dress up, go to him and demand to be taken care of, or he comes to mine and I put him in his place. Either way, I say what I want and he does it. Men love to please so I say let them. After we are both exhausted, I simply get up, leave him with a kiss on the cheek and walk out, or he does the same if at mine. We won’t talk for a minimum of 3 days after the act; just to make sure the post sex hormones are out of our system and we both know this isn’t going anywhere other than great sex when we need it .
Anywho! Relationships will work if you both want to be with each other. Just follow a few of my simple steps and you’ll be okay.
Still lead you life, don’t merge in to 1.
Where you can, still try to keep him at arms length, remember that men love the chase. Even if they have caught you, don’t become comfortable for too long, they will get bored and start looking for something more exciting.
Always look your best! This is important!
For yourself as well as to keep him wanting more! This includes those dreaded bikini waxes, eyebrow threading and costly trips to the salon for hair and nail maintenance, at least those sessions are more fun!
Don’t lose your identity because you have become a ‘We’.
You need to keep your friends close, if for some reason it doesn’t work, you’ll need them. Also everyone needs space, even if at the beginning of a relationship it doesn’t feel that way.
Don’t rush!
If it is meant to stick then try it out for a long period of time before you make commitments! I made that mistake now I have to put up with military man for 3 more years as he uses my credit score for a car!
Never stop asking questions!
The best part of a relationship is getting to know the person you want to be with. This part I love! Getting to play detective! Put things together, know him inside and out. This way there are no slip ups or horrid surprises. You’ll always be able to weed out what are lies and what is truth too. Don’t believe everything he says straight away, we can all believe a story that we want to. All new relationships will have some tall tales because they want to impress you, but working out which ones are outright lies is important. You need to know that he is honest in his intentions; the same as you are with him. The more you talk and spend quality time together, you’ll learn to truly love one another more than any continuing cycle of lust.
The point of dating is try someone out for size; see if they might be the fit for you. If you think there may be a couple of people that may be good for you then date them all. Until you are in a committed relationship, that you have DTR’d, play the field, work the game to your advantage. It’s inevitable people are gonna say nasty things because they simply wish they thought about it before they settled. Men always play the field and they say ‘it’s nothing serious’ but to a girl it’s getting around? Be from the 21st century and banish 17th century thinking. Commit when you’re ready! Want to know anything specific or have any relationship dramas? Let me know and I’ll see if I can offer any advice.
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