Category: fetish

Soon 1


We are about to move into a new place and neither of us can wait. In the meantime we’ve been spending less time together alone and more time at her parents. Whilst this hasn’t...

we can see a mans legs in black trousers with his back to the camera a womens naked legs are wrapped around him lifted up. They are in a toilet and having sex 0

Stolen moments

Sunday was an interesting day. I had people visiting and ‘she’ was being flirtatious. As I cooked and the guests entertained themselves she came into the kitchen. “I’m horny baby” “You look hot, give...

Abasiophilia 0


Abasiophilia is a psychosexual attraction to people with impaired mobility, especially those who use orthopaedic appliances such as leg braces, orthopedic casts, or wheelchairs. This will be the next topic….