6 really important unwritten rules for dating online
If you’re involved in online dating, and hell 2020 is all about online dating! With Lockdown you will know how that online is all that’s left to find those like-minded singles. Dating online is a great way to meet new partners as long as you follow the unwritten rules.
So stick to these rules and you will get the most from your online mate searching.
1: Be true to yourself and be you!

Ok, this one is going to sound obvious, but honesty, like I have written about so much before, is if you’re going make you a success of online dating. That means not posting photos from five years ago and not bullshitting your profile with half-truths about what you do, how much you earn, or how old you are etc. Lying is just get you into not fun sticky situations further months or days from now, and your match will eventually clock the fakes in your story. Don’t be afraid of being turned down for being yourself you are you and there is someone out there for you.
2: Take things at slowly
Take your time and get to know each other in the comfort of the online dating environment before taking your match offline. chatting online allows you to establish some common goals and interests that is going make things better for if and when you eventually meet.
3: Learn to handle rejection (Mostly Guys)
Now this is a great one, Guys look women are inundated with lots of messages and guys expecting responses we need to breathe and if they reply they reply if they don’t, they don’t, Put it behind you and move on. With so many people to choose from, you need to be prepared for a few knockbacks along the way. If you’re turned down or ignored by someone you had your eye on, don’t dwell on it. Don’t Be a dick and send 100’s of messages back to back and don’t then reply with horrible things if they say no!
4: Be polite
It’s really important not to lose your politeness when interacting with others in an online dating environment. Keep things nice and avoid being too personal. Be polite in your responses even when turning someone down.

5: Don’t demand
Dating should be light and breezy, and you should allow time to connect with that person before arranging the first date. There’s no need to be pushy when you’re trying to get hold of their phone number. Have faith that if they really like you, they’ll give you it soon enough anyway.
6: Keep things positive
Online dating sites were created to emulate a warm, welcoming and friendly environment for you to meet fellow singles, as opposed to a bar full of unknowns. So, it follows that the key to enjoying a rewarding online dating experience all comes down to attitude. Be optimistic, give off a positive attitude and really enter into the whole experience with a hundred percent commitment.
What dating sites do you use let me know below