Half of men don’t know where the vagina is! Do You?
So here’s some really worrying news for the current sexual education curriculum come the fuck on schools, a new poll has found that half of men can’t point to where the vagina is on a human body. The Eve Appeal asked 1,000 men to label the vagina on a diagram showing the vagina, vulva, cervix, ovaries, and Fallopian tubes of a human body.
Of those 1,000 men, 500 were unable to correctly label the vagina on that diagram.
Now, I agree with what you are thinking the sample size is fairly small and it could be very possible that the Eve Appeal just managed to find 500 men who have no clue. They did not revealed the ages of the men they surveyed, so it’s possible that the younger generation may be more skilled in knowing their vaginal stuff.
But that said last year they found that 44% of women have no idea where the vagina is either, this is crazy and those stats got the office more than a little concerned. I started to test the office and yes we are all good here
The research has been published by the Eve Appeal as part of this months Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, which has been set up to tell everyone the essentials when it comes to gynaecological cancers. Think about it! If all these people don’t even know where the vagina is, how are we supposed to know when something’s wrong?
Half of those men surveyed said they didn’t feel comfortable chatting about gynaecological issues with there partner, and many said they still see the vagina as a mystery. CRAZY how are men supposed to make women orgasm if they don’t even know what they’re touching?
Now we all know for many women, the main person who comes into contact with our vagina is the person they are sleeping with. Its super important that those partners can identify when something doesn’t feel quite right, and will be comfortable encouraging us to go to the doctor if there’s something wrong. Especially considering that many people say that they let embarrassment stop them from going to the doctor, we all need some encouragement to get checked out.
One in five of the women surveyed said they wouldn’t go to the doctor if they had abnormal vaginal bleeding – despite that being one of the major symptoms of cancers of the womb, ovaries, cervix, and vagina. Half of women wouldn’t go to their GP for help with persistent bloating, and 15% wouldn’t go to the doctor even if they found a lump or growth in their vagina.
More than 21,000 women are diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer each year.
‘These survey results show shockingly low levels of awareness of the symptoms of gynaecological cancer among both men and women,’
We know from the many calls that we receive at The Eve Appeal from men, that they can play a vital role in identifying the symptoms of gynaecological cancer, prompting their partners to visit the GP. Early diagnosis really is key and can save lives.
said The Eve Appeal’s chief executive, Athena Lamnisos.