A colouring book full of Cocks and Cunts
Ok if you have been following on social media for a while you will have heard about our friend LadyCuntLove from well she’s great. Cherish the Cunt was originally the collaborative creation of three women who are known as Lady Cunt Love, Queen Clit and The Cuntess. It was first a personal healing mission called ‘I Heart My Cunt’ and then as it grew, became ‘Cherish Your Cunt’ and now has developed into ‘Cherish The Cunt’ because they wanted to include men as well as the fact they love men and want to move away from this dated idea that all feminists are men haters.
They want EVERYONE to cherish women’s Cunts AND Mother Earth’s Cunt. You can read their dream here.
Well to get to the point of this post Cherish The Cunt is producing a colouring book and not your average kind of colouring book, They are looking for self portraits of CUNTS and COCKS…
Ladycuntlove explains:-
It is a way of making genitals imagery more accessible and will be a counteraction to mainstream pornography’s unrealistic depictions. It’s aim is to be an accessible, fun conversation starter about sex, genital awareness and pleasure for parents, teachers, sexual health workers and young people.
I have submitted my picture to the book (see below), if you wanna submit yours:-
- It would be anonymous and she asks that you write a little paragraph to introduce the drawing in any way you choose.
- It has to be a line drawing on an A4 page that would be fun to colour in. It needs to be drawn first in pencil and then with black marker.
- It can be abstract or anatomically correct. Just see what comes up and express!
- Ideally you’d then scan in and send to Cherish The Cunt but a high resolution photo of it will do if that’s not possible.
And the best part about it is in exchange you get a free e-copy of the book once it is released in October.
Ok feel inspired click here for the contact details and how to submit your picture

“Ok my willy, shaft, cock and balls, Johnson, manhood etc finds its ways here by a very strange set of events, starting with yacht for sale and ending with you colouring in a picture of my cock. I am not going to go into any further detail, but to say I hope you enjoy “