The myths of BDSM by Dominant Man78
Are you a Dominant or a Submissive heres some of the Myths of BDSM
1. You have unresolved issues from childhood. You were abused, molested, beaten up, bullied, neglected, etc. Your parents didn’t love you and you feel undeserving of love. Because of your past experiences you think that you deserve to be beaten, degraded, used and treated badly by others.
2. If you’re a dominant person you’re an egotistical maniac full of yourself. You’re vain, self-admiring, arrogant, conceited, pompous and generally have too high a concept of yourself.
3. If you’re a submissive person you’re a doormat, a pushover, a weak and feeble person that doesn’t know how to stand up for himself, have huge self-esteem issues and generally have too low a concept of yourself.
4. You’re uncaring, unloving and immature. You are unsuitable for looking after children, elderly, people with learning difficulties or vulnerable populations in general.
5. Dominance is internalised hatred for women/men, etc.
6. Submission is internalised hatred for yourself.
7. Quite simply, there’s something wrong with you. A healthy, normal person wouldn’t like this kind of stuff.
8. You’re incapable of professional responsibility and social justice. If you are dominant you’d want to dominate everybody around you and you’ll be looking to abuse other people. If you’re submissive, you’ll submit to anybody and you won’t have the strength of character to stand up for what is right.
9. The best way to get a submissive’s attention is to start trying to dominate her in subtle or not so subtle ways from the start. No need to have an open and honest conversation about it first. Likewise, if you act all submissive and fragile you’ll attract a quality dominant.
This Post was written by Dominant Man78 over on Fetlife he gave permission to share it here