Marijuana! The Female Viagra? Weed Part 4

OK the 4th and final part of our series on the effects of marijuana on sex. This article reads like something straight out of a teenage fantasy novel so I am very keen to underline  that we did not write this article, do not condone or recommend any of the actions suggested inside or have any idea if they actually would work.

Will pharmaceutical companies create a real Viagra for women?

Marijuana! The Female Viagra? Weed Part 4Doesn’t matter, because Viagra for women already exists: it’s called marijuana.

This exciting marijuana sex secret provides increased sexual pleasure for women and men, but it doesn’t involve your lungs.

In fact, there’s no way you can be sure that smoking marijuana will make you hornier or more orgasmic. Depending on the strain of marijuana and the person using it, in some cases the opposite could be true.

But there are other ways to ingest marijuana, and one of them is a sexual enhancement miracle. Here’s how you use marijuana to boost your sex pleasure…

I learned about this crazy marijuana sex secret in a massive outdoor marijuana plantation in Northern California, surrounded by towering plants ripe with phat, gooey marijuana flowers glistening in the sun, their resin glands filled with THC.

Happy “hippie” girls were on the marijuana gardening crew, and I was very surprised when some of them stripped off their hemp clothing and rubbed their bodies on buds so that  marijuana resins gathered on their skin and pubic hair.

This is going to get me really really stoned,” said one girl.

Raw marijuana doesn’t absorb well through skin, so I asked her to explain how making love to a marijuana plant was going to get her high.

We take the resins and put it inside of our pussy,” she said. “It’s a direct channel into your sexual energy circuits.”

Another girl chimed in, “THC absorbs through mucous membranes, buddy, and there’s nothing more absorptive than the inside of a pussy.”

They explained to me that inserting raw resin glands, bubble hash, and processed solvent hashish into the vagina and anus was guaranteed to produce intense multi-orgasmic peaks.

“It’s nothing like eating a pot brownie, taking a bong hit, using marijuana tincture, or any other marijuana use,” one young woman explained. “It’s a rad body high that’s a guaranteed aphrodisiac. It starts in your crotch, warms your whole body, makes you want to have sex all day and night, and lulls you to sleep hours later. Your orgasms are timeless, constant, out of this world.”

She advised people to only insert pure bubble hash or other resins-only marijuana material that’s totally clean, no pesticides, molds, mildews, butane, alcohol, or other contaminants.

The method is simple: Start with a small amount of hashish, cannabis honey oil, dabs, or other potent THC extracts…maybe a gram or two. Insert into the vagina or anus. Wait a while to see how it affects her, then add some more if she’s ready for it.

Two naked girls smoke bongs. Marijuana

Here’s the how-to advice one of the girls gave:

“Put the hashish on your clitoris and inside you, focusing on applying it to your G-spot. Then lay back with your legs elevated for a half an hour or more so the hashish doesn’t ooze out. My guy says having sex with me when the resins are in there also gets him high by transferring into his penis, and when he [performs oral sex] on me!”

Another sage bit of advice for women from those marijuana sex goddesses: “Drink lots of fluids because you’re going to get wetter than you ever have been.”

I called a female medical marijuana expert who confirmed that resin glands and extracted cannabis concentrates transfer THC into the bloodstream via the vagina, the mouth (sublingual), and the anus.

She also confirmed that vaginal, sublingual and anal THC insertion effects differ from those produced by any other method of ingesting THC.

And as an added bonus, she explained, preliminary medical research indicates that cannabis extracts administered through the vagina and anus have anti-bacterial and positive hormonal effects!

And people wonder why I grow and love marijuana!

How ironic that pharmaceutical companies spend tens of millions trying to create female Viagra using testosterone, estrogen, flibanserin and synthetic chemical compounds. when there’s a safer, more effective herbal aphrodisiac available.

Now you can make or procure hashish, bubblehash and other marijuana concentrates, lovingly apply the marijuana concentrates to a woman’s body, and enjoy nature’s very own ultimate, safe, healthful aphrodisiac.

OK, you’ve just been handed the secret marijuana aphrodisiac sex recipe…let the marijuanagasms flow!




Reposted posted by Steve Davis 

Anonymous Blogger

Anonymous Blogger

The Anonymous Blogger is an account all the authors of YouOnlyWetter uses if we see a great post somewhere else online. Usually NSFW (that's "Not Safe For Work" in case you didn't know!) We always ask permission before reblogging and try to mention where we found it and who was the original author but if we've missed it let us know. Found something funny that you think we should share or interested in writing a blog? then email

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Marijuana! The Female Viagra? Weed Part 4

by Anonymous Blogger time to read: 5 min
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