Category: penises

we can see a mans legs in black trousers with his back to the camera a womens naked legs are wrapped around him lifted up. They are in a toilet and having sex 0 Comments

Stolen moments

Sunday was an interesting day. I had people visiting and ‘she’ was being flirtatious. As I cooked and the guests entertained themselves she came into the kitchen. “I’m horny baby” “You look hot, give...

dropping 0 Comments

Can’t cum?

I have searched the internet for advice but there seems to be none. I also suffer from cold testicles, do you think that this may have something to do with the problem? I know the expression; “numb-nuts!” but I really have them! I don’t know if this is related or not. I have no problems achieving orgasm on my own, just would like to do this inside my partner.


Penis myths or cock tales….

1. Myth: The penis is a muscle. This myth gets peddled by those dudes who want to sell techniques for “strengthening” and lengthening the penis. But in fact, the penis isn’t a muscle. It’s...