Category: fetish

Coulrophilia A Thing For Clowns 0

Coulrophilia A Thing For Clowns

WTF! So coulrophilia technically refers to an attraction to clowns alone, many people extend the definition to include other similar types of performers, including mimes and jesters. Coulrophiles often prefer a particular type of...

An Open Letter to Men 0

An Open Letter to Men

In this Open Letter to men, justmari a Fetlife user and actually, a males friend explains the Gender inequality and tries to get you to think differently.

I Wanna Try Being a Dom Or Do I? 0

I Wanna Try Being a Dom Or Do I?

you have come here because you have asked yourself “I Wanna Try Being a Dom Or Do I?”. It’s super exciting! It makes your boy parts get all tingly and shit. That’s awesome truly! I want to encourage you to explore this new found side of you