My First Time Self-Tying, A Newbies Rope Guide
A subs guide to self-tying the corset, and how I got here
So it was a cold winters evening and I had been at our local maker space with my boyfriend and Dom (Jon) fixing coffee machines (did you know that you had to descale them as “I didn’t”) so we were just hanging out and got to the subject of rope and kinky shit as we always do and we got talking about self tying.
Skip 3 hours and I am now at home and have been playing with rope and making myself look super sexy. This is one of those rabbit hole things which is why you are probably here in the first place, (welcome). I am also super nervous as this is the first time he’s allowed me to blog on here so hopefully more soon. I wanted to first explain why I wanted to feel the compression of rope and then take you down the line of where I have been learning from and some of the stuff I wish I had known before I started.
The Why
Simple really, ever been hugged, I never was a child! so being able to do that for me whenever I wanted is pretty fucking cool and OMG it looks. sexy and pretty too. (such a gay reason, but fuck it that’s why you are here too.)
Just look at these ties

Where to get started
Well, you all know my boyfriend and the guides here so have a look here and here and here or just search rope, but as the bratty little boy that I am I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of using the guides so I went in search of more. The first place I have been taught to search for this is Reddit OMG there are so many Subreddits my pick of the top three are
- 1. Men in Rope Bondage
- 2. BDSM Advice and
- 3rd Shibari and down the rabbit hole you go.
The next step was our friendly video-sharing site YouTube and I found a lovely man named Rory he has nearly 100 videos of all the really cool-looking self tying and couples play as I mentioned above I loved the Corset one and followed his guide!
Lesson one watch the whole thing first! stop and go to the toilet, call your mum etc turn the dinner off and give yourself a good hour and a half to really get yourself settled.
Lesson two you want to be nice and warm, some of the self-ties you can do yourself are going to be done naked and remember I started this journey of self-discovery in November in the UK.
Lesson three you always need more rope, the best bit is that Jon sells it here.
How to do it
If you are like me and do not want to listen to a big smelly Dom and use the many guides he has I recommend Rory he even has sexy models in the backgrounds.
Once you have done all of his there is a really nice site but it costs It’s really good and has a free trial so you have a week to tie yourself up. Don’t worry neither of us is getting a cut, I tried but they said no and think it’s good.

I have grown to love self tying, if you want more comment below and let me know, he will let me write more if people tell him.