The Shit Lesbians Say To Bicurious Girls

An old video is rising its head again so a couple of years ago vlogger Arielle Scarcella released her video, “Shit Bicurious Girls Say To Lesbians.

In the wake of that video, Scarcella claimed she heard from a lot of women who said, “You know, Arielle? Lesbians be saying some dumb shit, too,” so she decided to make this follow up.

Check out all the shit lesbians say to bicurious girls in the clip above and then head on over to follow Scarcella on Twitter to stay updated on her assorted lesbian activities.

Anonymous Blogger

Anonymous Blogger

The Anonymous Blogger is an account all the authors of YouOnlyWetter uses if we see a great post somewhere else online. Usually NSFW (that's "Not Safe For Work" in case you didn't know!) We always ask permission before reblogging and try to mention where we found it and who was the original author but if we've missed it let us know. Found something funny that you think we should share or interested in writing a blog? then email

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The Shit Lesbians Say To Bicurious Girls

by Anonymous Blogger time to read: 1 min
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