Sex Magic Reclaim The Energy Lost in Sexual Intercourse
So owning YouOnlyWetter is great fun and i get to do a lot of things most wouldn’t be able to in their offices, but it also allows me to grow over the last couple of weeks I have been researching sex magic (not the crazy porn which sees a man fucking a bunny dressed assistant) it’s a term that has come to mean a broad range of intimate “New Age” techniques meant to harness the energy lost in sexual intercourse into positive real world results.
If you breathe correctly and climax at the same time as your partner while both thinking the same things, then your dreams will come true and you will have the greatest mind blowing sex off all time.
Sure there’s ton’s of people on the internet ready to make you the next 8 hour Sting-like sex god, but there’s more to Sex Magic than cumming in downward dog while you and your girlfriend envision a yacht. Sex Magic was an idea originated by the one and only Aleister Crowley, the great occultist of the early 20th Century.
The Ordo Templi Orientis was a fraternal quasi-masonic offshoot taken over by Crowley around 1904. OTO was a secret society and had rituals, laws and stages of membership like many others. The final stages of the The Hermit Triad, the highest order, are sexual. First masturbation techniques are taught, then vaginal intercourse, then anal. The mystery surrounding Cowley’s society is ripe for sexual conspiracy theorists of all stripes and provides plenty of fuel for Christian zealot’s I-told-you-Satan-is-real sermons.
There are 100’s if not 1000’s of videos covering Sex Magic on YouTube
Heres 3 to wet your appetite.
Wearing one of the best names on the internet Styxhexenhammer666, you couldn’t have created a more perfect example of someone who is way into Crowley and the occult. Sure, he talks about things like jerking off into a jar and growing a human but he is actually well read in the subjects he’s talking about. His instruction in his comment on the video is priceless, but considering his audience, not altogether unwarranted, “No, you’re not supposed to fuck yourself with the wand.”
Chris is an internet preacher and exorcist and in this video he’s genuinely upset “If somebody would’ve told me… 2 years ago I would be doing masturbation videos I probably would’ve laughed in their face and told them to get out of my way… not to mention Jen’s whole family’s here… and I cast demons out of her today. Really weird, guys. Really weird. Somedays I get up and I’m like, what is going on with my life? I just don’t get it. I can’t believe there’s a devil and I can believe there’s a Jesus. But thank God there’s a Jesus. Okay. Masturbation’s a sin, guys. It’s a big one.”
Amatuer Experts like S. Ali Myers are all over YouTube, spouting wisdom and instruction with the gravitas of a tenured professor but without any real working knowledge of what they’re talking about. Myers illustrates his point about the validity of Sex Magic by telling the story of how, after a pointed sexual magic session focusing on money, a trip to Walmart proved fruitful when they forgot to ring up an expensive printer.