Do You Embrace Period Sex? You Should!
It’s a fact of the world: once a month a period happens. So while we should respect this veritable quintessence of life, heres some tips, tricks, and wisdom, consider this a friendly little treatise– because Sex is sex, and no time should be off limits.
There are actually some good things that come with the crimson tide, both physically and hormonally. In the hormone realm, by the time your period arrives it’s time to celebrate – for not being knocked up (if that’s your fancy), and for saying goodbye to the prickly monthly pique of PMS. If you’re a crotchety member of the latter camp, it’s a thrill to trade in your angry-tear-soaked tissues for the hand of a partner as you traipse off to the bedroom, or wherever the mood may take you. One sagacious porn star, Wolf Hudson, has found from extensive experience that “women who are on their period tend to be more sexually aroused. Being that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, to me that’s a plus.”
On the other hand, Dr. Suzanne Hall, OB/GYN and founder of, tells me “it appears the hormonal ‘surge’ and the possibility of increased libido would occur around ovulation (2 weeks before menstrual flow) as a biologic adaptation to increase the occurrences of pregnancy.” So our anecdotal evidence and gynecological considerations may be slightly at odds, but we suppose it can be chalked up to everyone experiencing unique sensations of horniness on an individual scale. But regardless of when your personal sexy ‘surge’ occurs – or hey, maybe you’re lucky and always at the ready like the Wolf – anytime a babe is feeling randy is a great time to indulge.
And on the physical side of things, indulgence is easier than ever – take this as an opportunity to embrace local, organic, all-natural lube. Everyone loves a wet partner, and you get this quality in droves when Madame Menses joins the party. And as Tracy Sher, physical therapist, owner, and clinical director at Sher Pelvic Health and Healing, told me, “some women who have pain with intercourse or hormonal changes with dryness actually find the time of menstruation to be much more comfortable.” That’s another lady lube bonus. Further, she says, “Their partners seem to be open to intercourse and/or sexual play because they feel better knowing they won’t hurt them.”
So when your special parts become a sensual Slip ‘n’ Slide, it shouldn’t be seen as a big red flag standing in your way. Rather, it’s a libidinous welcome wagon waving you on to the finish line.
But there’s more: Dr. Hall suggests, “the time of your menstrual flow is the least likely time to get pregnant.” This is important for those using the rhythm method of birth control (which involves diligent tracking of menstruation to determine most and least likely times for ovulation). She’s quick to point out, however, that this is one of the least effective forms of birth control, and also points out that risk of STDs and pelvic infection “could be higher during your period, because the cervix is open, allowing for easier transfer of bacteria. So safe sex is important.”
Well, there’s nothing less sexy than unexpected pregnancies and STDs, so, as always, safety first. But our main case stands; there’s no reason not to engage in hemic humping.
Look at it as a novelty. There’s much to explore around this unfamiliar realm. Like Mario storming King Koopa’s fiery castle, see what exciting places you can go. This can be a fun time to get creative with ambience and décor. Turn off the lights, break out the candles, a dark-colored guest towel (throw it into the laundry after. Try not to do drop-off) and set up a shadowy and intimate little scene. Not only does this create a sexy, Sting-like vibe, but embracing the dim side prevents any potential messiness from shocking their pants off. Playing around under a mysterious cloak of obscurity can lead you somewhere you might not reach in the light.
Also, obscuring the monthly mist can be achieved any time, day or night, simply by experimenting with positioning. Here’s a suggestion: Ladies, hop on top, why don’t ya? It’s a simple solution if your partner’s on the more squeamish side, and its benefits are twofold. Firstly, any semblance of bloody massacre is physically blocked from sight. Secondly, the view becomes that of your amazing frontside, which includes such lovely things as your beautiful face and awesome tits. This is a total win-win for everyone involved.
Our smarty smutster Mr. Hudson advises: “As a precaution, if she’s experiencing a heavy flow and it’s stressing her out during sex, I always keep makeup sponges handy as they’re super absorbent for such an event.” One may go that swoon-worthy extra mile to win their lady’s heart, but even keeping a washcloth or tissues handy to sweep away the evidence post-disembarking gets you right back to babely business as usual.
This is basically the rippling undercurrent beneath all of our carnal counsel. Dr. Hall puts things rather poetically, saying, “Sex during our menstrual period, I’m quite sure, has been around since the beginning of time.” That take jibes nicely with our porn swami’s sentiment: “It’s a perfectly natural and healthy process” and “the last thing you want to do is shame a woman when it happens.” I’m not saying one should break out the pagan paraphernalia and worship at the altar of all things period (though feel free). I’m just suggesting that some understanding and a little bit of courage are all that are needed to confront the crimson caller.
And at the very bottom line, as far as I’m concerned, womenfolk are objectively some of the most beautiful creatures upon this earth. So tell your bone-buddy to suck it up and not shy away from the loveliness and mystery of womanhood. Because, seriously, we’re all adults here. Get over it and bone your hearts out.