Anal Training Advice For An Anal Virgin by HoleTrainer (NSFW)
Due to high numbers of people seeking my advice on beginning anal training, I decided to share some of my methods and opinions. These are my opinions and are generally how I go about training a sub’s novice or virgin asshole. The exercise I’ve outlined below is intended primarily for individuals who have minimal or no experience with anal penetration. Those who’ve tried but had difficulty with penetration may apply this technique and find some of value in it too. I strongly believe that knowledge is power, so learn all you can about your anatomy and that will help you enjoy anal play and penetration.
Let’s get a few terms out of the way here:
- COLON– Also called the large intestine or large bowel, it removes water from digested food and sends solid waste to the rectum.
- RECTUM– The last 6 or 8 inches of the large intestine leading to the anus. Solid waste builds up here before exiting through the anus.
- COLORECTAL– Pertaining to the entire large intestine.
- ANUS– The posterior opening of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is eliminated (the end of the digestive tract).
- INTERNAL ANAL SPHINCTER (IAS)– An involuntary smooth muscle forming a ring around the anus.
- EXTERNAL ANAL SPHINCTER (EAS)– A voluntary fibrous muscle forming a ring around the anus.
- PERISTALSIS– A ripple like contraction of muscles in the digestive system which moves food through the stomach and intestines, eventually expelling it via the anus as solid waste.
- INTESTINAL EPITHELIUM– A thin layer of specialized cells lining the intestines.
I like Surgilube or KY jelly because they are water soluble and stay where you put them. Astroglide is widely available and very slippery, but it tends to be runny and difficult to keep put without extra care. I’ve had good success with Astroglide in spite of its runny quality. There are many kinds of lube, so find one you like!
I highly recommend using a “Lube Shooter” or similar device to apply lube. This tool is especially useful for injecting lube into the rectum before deep penetration or anal play involving frequent in-out ‘pumping’ motions. External lubrication of the anus is very important, but lubrication inside the rectum allows insertions to glide smoothly against the fragile intestinal epithelium. Here is a photo of me lubricating a sub’s rectum before anal training.
Having a clean rectum is required for the exercise I outline below, and it’s nice in general for anal paly. Cleaning your colon is good too, so a diet high in raw vegetable fiber helps make for easy cleansing farther down the pipe 😉
Before doing the exercise described herein, I recommend using an over the counter liquid glycerol suppository as per the directions on the packaging. These can be found most pharmacies. The glycerol will induce peristalsis and force a bowel movement.
After the glycerol, a series of enemas will completet the cleansing process. My rule of thumb is to administer enemas of isotonic saline until the discharge is mostly clear. Three isotonic saline enemas usually do the trick. Isotonic simply means the enema solution will have a salt concentration similar to your blood. Therefore, the enema won’t dehydrate or hydrate you, but will be neutral inside you. Enema technique is another discussion altogether. There are plenty of resources online, so educate yourself before you begin using enemas.
Here is the formula for making an isotonic saline for enemas. It’s important to prepare this only with DISTILLED WATER. Tap water is full of impurities. “Canning & Pickling Salt” should be used since other varieties of salt contain additives such as iodine and anticaking silicates. These salt additives and the chlorine in tap water can irritate the intestinal epithelium. Discard any solution you don’t use; it can support bacterial growth if stored.
Standard Measurement Formula:
1.2 oz. (34.3g) Salt + 1 U.S. Gallon (3785 ml) Distilled Water
= 0.9% Saline Solution
Metric System Formula:
0.9g Salt + 99.1 ml Distilled Water
= 0.9% Saline Solution
This exercise is designed to be done alone. Involving another will defeat the purpose. You’re embarking on a solo journey to connect at a new level with a part of your own body. Societal norms don’t promote such closeness with this part of your body, so it’s time to get more intimate with your anus. You’ll want to reserve at least two hours for this. Now let’s get started with your exercise!
Clean yourself out with a glycerol suppository and saline enemas. Give yourself time to clean out. You may need to move your bowels a few times after you’ve expelled the last enema, even though you though you were empty. This is especially true if you take large volume enemas and they penetrate deeply into your colon. Once you feel like you’ve emptied your bowels sufficiently, draw a warm bath and relax. If you don’t have a bathtub, take a long hot shower.
Let your cares drift away while you enter a nice warm head-space in the bath/shower. Focus your thoughts on your anus. Begin building a mental bridge between your brain and your asshole by thoughtful awareness of it. This is a type of meditation, in fact, and should deeply relax you. Masturbating in the bath/shower or just afterward will help do away with any residual tension before proceeding with the exercise. After you climax, you should be cozy, relaxed and feeling good from the shower and masturbation. Dry yourself, try to move your bowels one more time, then proceed to a place where you can lay down comfortably.
I recommend placing a towel beneath your mid-section for this part. Also, wear a latex or a nitrile exam glove on your right hand. A glove has less friction than your finger tip, and that’s the goal for this exercise. Lay down in the “Left Lateral Sims Position”, which is sometimes called the “Left Lateral Recumbent Position”. Here are a few images of the position. This is a good position for enemas too.
Apply a dime sized dollop of lube to the tip of your gloved middle finger. Avoid lube with “warming” or “tingling” properties; you want natural feeling. Touch your ring finger and your index finger together beneath your middle finger and reach behind your back, placing your hand between your butt cheeks. Pressing your ring and index fingers all the way against your anus. Separate your ring and index fingers, using them to spread your cheeks, exposing your anus to your middle finger. Then, gently massage the tip of your middle finger around your anus, smearing the lube in circles.
Don’t penetrate your hole, just rub gently and slowly in circles around the hole. Keep a clock nearby and do this for 10 minutes. It will seem like eternity, but continue for the full 10 minutes. As you do this, build an intimate mental map of where your finger is exploring, taking note in your mind of what you’re anus is feeling in relation to where your finger is. After 10 minutes of feeling around your anus, you’ll being to work on consciously controlling your one of your anal sphincters.
The orifice of the anus has two sphincter muscles. One is called the Internal Anal Sphincter (IAS). The IAS is an involuntary muscle which you don’t control. It stays contracted at all times, keeping the anus closed tightly until nerves in the rectum send a signal to the brain saying that waste has accumulated. Once the rectum sends this signal, the IAS relaxes and the anus opens allowing peristalsis to move waste out. The urgent sensation of having to move your bowels is what you feel when this involuntary muscle is relaxing or about to relax.
The other anal sphincter is called the External Anal Sphincter (EAS). The EAS is a voluntary muscle, meaning you do control it. This is the muscle you condition when potty training as a child. It’s the muscle which you tighten when you need to hold it in until reaching a toilet. Similarly, it’s the muscle you tense up when you’re trying to avoid passing gas.
During a bowel movement, you consciously use your EAS to open your anus, and “push out” your digestive waste. For the purpose of this explanation, I’ll define the physical actin of opening you EAS as “pushing out”. To be blunt and simple, “pushing out” is what your anus does when you are trying to take a shit. I don’t mean to be gross, but this is the most forward and simple way I can explain it.
Add another dollop of lube to your finger and center it right over your asshole. Apply firm inward pressure with your finger against your anus but do not penetrate. Keep your finger tip pressed firmly against your anus and give a BRIEF GENTLE “push out” for one second, then stop. It is important that it be GENTLE and BRIEF when you “push out”.
Keep your middle finger pressed firmly against the center of your anus and you will feel your sphincters change shape when you “push out”. This is the voluntary ability you can apply to opening your anus. You will also feel your anus clinch up after you stop “pushing out”. Continue to “push out” for one second at a time, then rub your finger in a circle around your anus and return to the middle of the hole before “pushing out” again. Do this for 10 minutes, but do not penetrate. Pay close attention to the way your anal sphincters change shape in relation to your “pushing out” and how your anus begins to slightly open when you do.
It may feel very odd at first to “push out”, since you’re not actually trying to defecate and only facilitate this muscular action when sitting on the toilet. However, it’s this physical action, the opening of your sphincter, which you’re trying to gain better control of. If you cleaned yourself out properly before the exercise, you’ll be empty and shouldn’t worry about a mess. If you’re concerned, try to use the bathroom one more time before initiating Step 4.
After 10 minutes of short gentle “pushing out”, you’ll have begun to gain a sense of control over your anus and it’s now time to penetrate with a finger. Lubricate your gloved finger once more and place it directly over the hole. Apply slightly firmer pressure with your finger this time and give a gentle “push out” as you slide your finger into your anus. Keep “pushing out” as your finger slides into your hole. Once your finger passes through the sphincters as deeply as you can get it, stop “pushing out”. You will feel your anus grip down on your finger when you relax and stop “pushing out”. If you “push out” again with your finger inside you, you’ll feel your anus loosen its grip around your finger.
GO SLOWLY. You can gently massage your finger into the hole by wiggling it back and forth as you push it in. Take time to feel yourself, and explore your sphincters. Curve your finger in a hook shape and you’ll feel your sphincters from the inside. At this point, your finger tip will be inside your rectum, beyond the anus. Note the sensation of gentle penetration your anus feels in relations to the squeezing sensation you feel on your finger. Pay attention to the control you have over your sphincters when you “push out” versus when you relax.
Anytime you slide your finger into or out of your anus, you should “push out” to open the sphincters. This will facilitate the least resistance during insertion or withdrawal of anything that penetrates your anus. Remove your finger and repeat this penetration exercise for another 10 minutes using your finger.
If you have already begun anal play and are still a novice, a SMALL APPROPRIATELY sized anal toy may be used for Step 4. I define appropriately sized herein as no thicker than your average bowel movements. If your body is eliminating waste in that size, your anus is fully capable of accommodating penetrations of the same size.
This exercise can help you gain better control of your anus, and that’s the first step in learning to enjoy smooth, pleasant anal penetrations.
Have fun and be safe,
-Your friendly neighborhood HoleTrainer
DISCLAIMER: Because people are individuals, this may NOT be suitable for everyone. Just to be safe, I would NOT recommend anal training for those with maladies like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, colorectal illnesses, scar tissue from surgeries or injuries, diseases/ailments/deformities of the colon, rectum, anus, gastrointestinal system, or issues with fecal continence. I AM NOT A PHYSICIAN. Please consult your physician about anal sex and anal play if your anus and rectum are not healthy and normal. Your doctor should be willing to discuss this and offer you some truly expert advice. If you Dr. is not comfy advising you on this, you need a different Dr. Please take safety first.